The Airport Kid

By Lowell DePoy

His room is full of pictures of all the great planes
in the closet still in the box is a Lionel toy train.
When the evening is quiet and everyone is enjoying a snooze.
He is in his room reading the latest issue of Model Airplane News.
When Saturday comes he’s up at dawn
to get a flying start of mowing the lawn
When his chores are finished, and with Mom’s OK
He’s on the way to the airport to spend the rest of the day.
He jumps on his Schwinn and peddles faster and faster
He turns the corner barely missing Mrs. Caster.
She knows where he is headed and why so fast
for today might be his chance to fly at last.
Down the road, around the corner and up to the ramp
He sees Mr. Hamilton and the local flying club
admiring the airplane of his dreams,
a new Piper Cub.
"Hi Jimmy, glad you came by
I need a co-pilot, do you want to fly?
You take the front seat, I’ll take the back.
We’ll fly south of town help me look for a railroad track.
Fasten your belt tight and I’ll be back in a smidgen,
I’ll get someone who can hand-prop the engine.
The engine roars to life and the little Cub starts to roll.
His heart pounds hard as excitement takes its toll.
Faster and faster down the runway they go.
A quick look down he sees they just flew over a fence.
Higher he flies, he sees the ground fade away.
He suddenly realizes he’s living his dream today.
He’ll fly solo someday he solemnly vows,
as they fly over Mr. Johnson’s barn and a herd of Holstein dairy cows.
He looks at the sky so beautiful and blue and silently
says, "Thank you Lord for making a dream come true".